Sunday, February 27, 2011

Glamour Magazine UK got cheek'd!

Calling Cards

  • By Jean Hannah Edelstein
  • Thursday, 22 July 2010

Ever since Carrie Bradshaw came on our radar we've been watching dating trends in New York for signs of what's sure to float over to this side of the pond in a few months. And we're rather loving the latest way that girls in Manhattan are meeting men - in a manner that manages to be at once charmingly old fashioned and quite cutting-edge.

The technique that's swept the streets of New York from the Meat Packing District to the Upper West Side? Calling card websites. Here's how it works: you sign up to a site like, build a profile and then receive a stack of cards (the size of business cards) printed with your name, a code that grants the recipient access to your profile, and a flirty message. You pass it off to the recipient and if they like the look of you, they can use the site to look you up and arrange  a date.

It's more personal that meeting people strictly through a site, but less scary than approaching a stranger in a bar (or on the subway, or in a supermarket) who you rather like the look of. Not to mention, of course, that it's just really quite cute.

'This is the next generation of online dating,' according to The New York Times, and we can definitely see how it might even be more popular in the UK, thanks to our slightly retiring British natures. Will you give dating-by-calling-card a shot? Or do you prefer to stick to more traditional approaches to meeting men?

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